Friday, January 30, 2009

Items I Always Take On A Camping Trip

Whenever I go camping I always try to take along some gear that will either make the camping trip more fun, make an easier time or a piece of survival gear that I want to test out so I can blog about it.

1) An item that makes it more fun:

A harmonica - yes that's right a harmonica can really make a neat little addition to a camping trip(if you learn how to play it of course).  Survivor Man Les Stroud is famous for taking his harmonica everywhere with him and I don't blame hime.  If you go camping or hiking on your own a harmonica could be your best friend.  Being in the woods is so quiet and just having something that makes a sound other that the sound of nature can keep you sane.

2) Make an easier time - Usually this is a nice foam bed roll, this make sleeping on just about any surface that much more comfortable.

3) Survival item - A pocket grill, this thing is absolutely awesome, it allows you to warm water, or cook items over a single burner that you fuel with twigs, paper or any other small flamable matreial.

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